Monday, May 4, 2009

Big Breakfast with a House Full of People - 05.03.2009

Go figure, it turns out that kids like to be fed often. Despite the fact that my cousins and my kids stayed up until after midnight on Saturday eating White Castle and leftover pizza, they all woke up starving the next day. I made the kids, and Tony, and Olivia a big breakfast.

Connor had a cheese omelet and bacon. He ate the bacon before I could get a picture of it.

Emma asked for eggs "made so that I can stab them and they'll bleed the yellow stuff". She, Dylan, and Tony all had bacon, toast, and eggs over easy (the kind that bleed).

Emma's a little genius and decided mid-meal that her egg would be better off topped with bacon and sandwiched between two slices of buttered toast. I like how that kid's mind works!

Ian had a couple of pieces of toast and then asked for some leftover Chicken Rings from White Castle.

Emma finished her breakfast and then asked for leftover cheeseburgers and an apple. Awesome!

*I know that after reading the last few posts, those of you with children are dying to drop your kids off at our house for an overnight visit so that I can instill proper eating and sleeping habits in to your spawn. I would be only too happy to oblige! Just let me know! *


  1. omg emma is so cute i can't stand it.

  2. i know! i was folding her tiny, barfed on pajamas this morning and they are so cute that i wished that i could have a pair of my own. everything about that kid is cute.


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