Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Tony is Funny

I love it when Tony thinks that he has discovered something new, but it's really something that's been around forever. One example of this is his recent discovery of the band Blue October. He saw a video of theirs a couple of weeks ago and decided that it was his favorite "new" band. I tried to explain that they've had many hit songs and are popular enough to have videos shown pretty much 24/7 on VH1, but he wouldn't believe me... Example 2 is Tony's discovery of the homemade egg, cheese, and bacon on wheat toast sandwich. The other night he asked me to make him this sandwich and I said "fine, no big deal." He then felt it necessary to go in to great detail, describing how to cook the egg (this coming from the guy who hasn't cooked anything in the 9 years that we've been married). I told him to shut up, that I had it covered, and he still proceeded to describe how the guy in the cafe at work makes this sandwich. Finally he left the kitchen and I cooked the sandwich. Tony loved it but couldn't believe that I knew how to cook a hard-fried egg (with the yolk broken), as if was a secret recipe or something. I tried to tell him that my homemade egg sandwiches are featured pretty frequently on my blog...

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