Thursday, April 9, 2009

How to Open a Can Without a Can Opener - 4.8.2009

Nothing notable happened for breakfast or lunch on Wednesday. I can't even remember what we had for breakfast or lunch, actually. Dinner was more exciting. I made white chili.

All the necessary ingredients for white chili. Do you see those small, orange peppers in the picture? Those are Habanero peppers. They are not for those who unable to tolerate extremely spicy foods. And just to add some color, I used a couple of Jalapeno peppers as well.

Dinner prep was going along well until I ran in to a major snag... I had the onions, garlic, and chicken sauteed with cumin, salt, and pepper. I then added some salsa and chicken stock. Next, I threw in the sliced hot peppers. The only ingredient left was the white beans. I opened the first can only to discover that my trusty can opener left marks on the can as if it had been opened, but it was actually still sealed shut. Connor because immediately concerned and tried to open the can again with the opener and then tried smacking the can against the counter top several times, all to no avail. He and I agreed that maybe it was a "can malfunction" and we tried to open the second can. Still no-go. FUCK. There was no way that I was going back out to the store for a can opener or even walking to a neighbor's house to borrow one. YES - I am that lazy! Instead, I found a hammer and a screwdriver and a pair of scissors and decided to use a little elbow grease. I scrubbed all three tools down with hot water and soap and then proceeded to punch as big of a hole as I could in the can. Several minutes and dozens of curse words later, I had beans!

I could smell how spicy this chili was going to be as it simmered.

The finished product! White bean chili with a side of Monteray Jack cheese. As expected, this chili was *very* spicy - even by my standards. My nose started running within the first few bites. Then my top lip started to sweat. Next, my eyes started to water. Finally, I could feel my entire face start to become flushed. And I enjoyed every single bite!

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