Monday, April 6, 2009

The Onset of Bird Flu - Thursday 4.2.2009

I had a suspicion Wednesday night that I may have been getting sick. I wanted to believe that it was just an allergy attack but I secretly knew that it wasn't. I woke up feeling like shit on Thursday with a running nose and a sore throat.

I tried to feed my cold with the only thing that sounded good - Arby's Potato Cakes. At this point, I could still taste food and my heavily salted Potato Cakes were delicious with a heaping pile of ketchup on the side.

Connor asked for Skyline when I picked him up from school. My defenses were weak and we live very close to a Skyline, so I agreed. He had a regular 3 Way and two hotdog buns with just cheese.

Later in the evening, I decided that some vitamin C would be in order. I ate a tangerine and had a screwdriver. Unfortunately, this wasn't the magic cure-all that I had hope that it would be.

I made one last ditch effort to feed my cold with Brussels sprouts, popcorn shrimp, and a baked potato. This did not improve matters either.

1 comment:

  1. I love how your vitamin C must consist of vodka. yay.


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